

Labrador (also known as Labrador Intrusion Detection or labrador-ids) is a multiplatform tool created to identify any unwanted modifications made in your system. It can be used as an integrity checker and as a host based intrusion detection system (IDS).

Labrador's differential is in it's unique set of available tests and response mechanisms, it's easy of use and it's flexibility.
Check out Labrador's feature list!

Labrador aims to be a complete, free, multiplatform, and open-source solution for detecting modifications and tamperings in files.

.: News from the Pound :.

2007-08-23 - Labrador 0.8.2 unleashed!

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the long hiatus - I've unfortunately had several family issues that needed to be attended. But now the long-awaited 0.8.2 version is out, with a lot of improvements too, such as:

  • Several bugs fixed
  • Code and performance improvement
  • Updated documentation
  • Option added to only send email if something goes wrong
  • More control over rules, database and error log files

As usual, please report any bugs and comments to pechkov (at)

or use the sourceforge project page. Thanks for your support!

2006-05-28 - New documentation format available
Diego Arimany made a great contribution by putting the entire documentation inside a .PDF file. Now you can easily download and view the documentation separated by chapters and all that. I'll also probably separate the HTML version into chapters for easier view, while keeping the "full version" still available. Note that the documentation is already included in the application download file.

Thanks Diego!

2006-03-22 - Labrador on MacOS X
Today I got a report from Luiz Ribeiro saying Labrador 0.8.1 ran successfully on his MacOS X (Intel) with absolutely no modifications. Of course, he used the Perl version instead of any of the provided binary versions. I'm currently discussing with him the possibility of creating a binary version for Mac, so you won't have to download the modules if you don't want to (even though the "" tool makes it very easy to install them, and Perl already comes with MacOS X).

Stay tuned! ;-)

2006-03-19 - Labrador 0.8.1 released!
This is a minor release that fixes a bug, adds a feature and updates the documentation. Upgrading is highly recommended. Here's the full changelog:

        - All versions of Labrador are now signed with Labrador's GPG Key
        - Tools added to the documentation
        - Instructions to defining you own tags added to the documentation
        - Some minor fixes in the documentation
        - Added multi-language messages for log statistics (en/pt_br/es)
        - Added "" script to automatically check and install needed perl modules
        - Added "quiet mode" via -s (or --silent) parameter
        - Fixed bug with execute parameters that had a "|" in it's content

Please report bugs and comments to pechkov (at)

or use the sourceforge project page. Thanks for your support!

2005-10-25 - Labrador 0.8.0 released!
I'm proud to announce that version 0.8.0 was (finally) released this sunday. This new version fixes several problems (and introduces some new ones ;-P).
Some of the new features include:

      - Tag creation (e.g.:  <web> = <md5> <uid> <gid>);
      - New checksums: CRC-32, CRC-16, CRC-8, CRC-CCITT;
      - New tag <nodel> to warn if any file is deleted inside a given directory;
      - New tag <execute="..."> to run any command, program or script if a
                                                      given rule is broken;
      - Increased speed;
      - Better documentation;
      - New settings in labrador.conf;

And much more! Also, some features were unfortunately left off because I wanted to release this as soon as possible, but haven't had the time to work on them as much as I wanted to make sure everything was working ok. So expect new releases soon!

Please report bugs and comments to pechkov (at)

or use the sourceforge project page. Thanks for your support!

2005-09-22 - Preparing the grounds for Labrador 1.0 ("rex")
I'm currently branching Labrador's development to start preparing the 1.0 release (codenamed "rex"). It will implement major changes in the code and also in the program's behavior. Labrador 1.0 will be separated in several Perl modules, such as Labrador::Simple, Labrador::Encryption, Labrador::Compression, and so on. This will make coding even easier, and (hopefully) attract contributors to the project. Also, this should enable Labrador to be integrated to other systems or projects that may be interested in some parts of it. Watch out for rex!

2005-08-14 - New site - hope you all like it ;-)
I hate webdesigning. And I'm not good at all with it either. But I've got a little too much "great tool, horrible site" messages, so I guess a lot of people didn't actually get the noir design that this page had - or maybe I was the one that didn't get it. Anyway, here it is: a brand new design, with light colors, a menu on the left, and all that. I think it still sucks, but I'll let you be the judge. If you have any comments, sugestions, don't hesitate do email me. Thanks!




use perl; Logo